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structured course

Explore the beauty of watercolour as you learn about the different techniques of realistic and loose painting.

We offer three progressive levels for this course:



Watercolour Beginner

In our beginner watercolour painting course, students will learn the fundamental techniques of painting in watercolour, basic colour theory application, creating 3D forms and how to build up a painting from start to finish with consideration to planning of layers.  





Introduction to WATERCOLOUR paint & techniques

Introduction to the characteristics of watercolour paint, brushes and tools and the basic watercolour painting techniques.


application of techniques

Understand how to apply the different watercolour painting techniques to achieve likeness for different subject matters.


tones, highlights & Shadows

Learn how a range of tones in artworks can visually create 3D forms in 2D art.


basic colour theory

Introduction to the basics of colours, colour terms and how to mix paints.


Colour temperature & Schemes

Learn about different colour schemes and temperatures and how to apply them in a painting.


Starting a painting & SKETCHING

Artwork part 1

Understanding the initial steps of starting a painting such as sketching and building up layers.


building up form & DETAILING

Artwork part 2

Develop sensitivities to tone and colour when building up forms in an artwork as well as good brush control and what to look out for when working on the details in an artwork.



Learn how loose watercolour painting differs from realistic painting in terms of techniques and intuition.


Upon completion of all lessons in this course, students will be presented with a certificate of participation for this particular course.

No certification will be provided if the 8 lessons are not completed.

Watercolour Intermediate


In our intermediate watercolour painting course, students will learn how to create visual texture and complex forms in realistic animal painting as well as learn how to create visual depth in city and street scenes.





Intermediate colour theory

With the knowledge of basic colour theory, build sensitivities in selecting, mixing and matching accurate and complex colours.


Textures & forms


Artwork part 1

Learn how to break down complex forms into simple shapes to achieve accurate proportion in sketching artworks and how to build up the 1st few layers in a painting with visual texture.


Textures & forms


Artwork part 2


Develop brush control to achieve specific effects needed when painting fur/hair textures as well as building up of shadows and form in a textured object.


Depth & perspective

loose street painting 

Understanding depth and perspective in artworks in 1 & 2 point perspective drawing as well as how depth and space can be created in loosely painted city scenes.


Depth & perspective

(city & streets)

Artwork part 1

Discover the considerations in sketching when starting an artwork with spatial depth and how to approach the initial layers of painting and their required techniques.


Depth & perspective

(city & streets)

Artwork Part 2

Learn to build up a painting with the techniques previously taught, focusing on forms, tones, and colour matching. 


Depth & Perspective

(city & streets)

Artwork Part 3

Learn to fine tune an artwork by focusing on the different detailing requirements for objects at different distances.


Exam (3 HOURS)

Students will take part in a simple examination to test the application of their skills learnt. The type of certificate presented after the finished course is dependent on the results of this exam. 

certification & Examination

  • All 7 lessons have to be completed before you take the examination.

  • The examination is optional and cannot be replaced with another lesson or refunded if you opt not to take it. 

  • Students with a passing grade for the examination will receive a Certificate of Achievement for this particular course.

  • Students who do not pass the examination or choose not to take the examination after completing the 7 lessons will received a Certificate of Participation for this particular course.

  • No certification will be provided if the 7 lessons are not completed. 

Watercolour Advanced


In our advanced watercolour painting course, we will be focusing on challenging reflective and translucent objects as well as realistic portrait painting. Good observational skills is required for this course as we teach you proportion in portrait drawing and painting as you learn to mix realistic skin tones..  





advanced colour theory

Discover the relationship between colour and light and learn about the different colour models and how it can help to advance our paintings.


Reflective & Transparent surfaces

Artwork part 1

Learn how to demystify painting reflective and transparent surfaces as you understand how to observe shape and tones within these complicated objects. 


Reflective & Transparent surfaces

Artwork part 2

Focusing on matching contrasts and values between the subject and its background, we will learn how to find the balance between objects to enhance translucent and transparent effects.


Portrait proportion


Understand what to look out for and how to break down facial features into simple shapes to achieve likeness in portraiture with accurate proportions.


realistic portraits

Artwork part 1

Learn how to mix accurate and complex skin tones as well as how to break down shapes of highlights and shadows on a human face as you build up the initial layers of a watercolour portrait


realistic portraits

Artwork part 2

Learn to build up the shadows in a portrait while paying attention to colour temperature and values.


realistic portraits

Artwork part 3

 Building up of the final details in your portraits.


exam (3 HOURS)

Students will take part in a simple examination to test the application of their skills learnt. The type of certificate presented after the finished course is dependent on the results of this exam. 

certification & Examination

  • All 7 lessons have to be completed before you take the examination.

  • The examination is optional and cannot be replaced with another lesson or refunded if you opt not to take it. 

  • Students with a passing grade for the examination will receive a Certificate of Achievement for this particular course.

  • Students who do not pass the examination or choose not to take the examination after completing the 7 lessons will received a Certificate of Participation for this particular course.

  • No certification will be provided if the 7 lessons are not completed. 

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Follow our Instagram @TheFortStudios to be qualified to receive these promos!


steady learner Promotion
Complete all your lessons within your validity period (4 lesson set in 6 consecutive weeks or 8 lesson set in 10 consecutive weeks) and receive 5% off your next Steady Learner Set when you start your new set in the week after your set expires are earlier. You may choose to attend more than 1 lesson per week as long as there are available seats


Good Attendance Award

Complete all your lessons without missing a week (4 lesson set in 4 consecutive weeks or 8 lesson set in 8 consecutive weeks) and receive 10% off your next Steady Learner Set when you start your new set in the immediate following week. You may choose to attend more than 1 lesson per week as long as there are available seats.

for all students

56 Kallang Pudding Road,



Singapore 349328


+65 9169 5351

OPENing hours

Tuesdays - Fridays, 10AM - 10PM
Saturdays - Sundays, 10AM to 7PM

(Visits via Appointment only.)


** Closed on Mondays

and Public Holidays

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